Erich Schiffmann Backyard Series~Beginning Yoga

Erich Schiffmann Backyard Series~Beginning Yoga

The beginning is the best place to start, or return to, when practicing yoga. Master yoga teacher, Erich Schiffmann, guides you in this practice designed for beginners and anyone who desires a gentle, well-rounded class.

Includes: seated breathing, seated forward fold, seated side bend, seated vertical twist, seated chest expander, mountain pose, up on toes, with arms down, arms up, arms back, standing side bend, standing forward fold with arm stretch, squat, cat pose, dog pose, kneeling pause, half sun salutes, triangle pose, standing spread leg forward fold with variations, reclining lotus preparation, abdominals, reclining leg stretch I, II, reclining lunge, lightening bolt, seated lotus preparation, shoulder stretches with strap, locust, half dog, quarter dog, bridge I, abdominal, bridge II, III, abdominal, reclining twist, shavasana.


Price: $14.99

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